Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Note From the Transcriber

Ok, that last entry was pretty harrowing! I had no idea what I was getting into when I typed it up. Let me tell you a little bit about my process. I have not read the "History of My Life" that Lolo wrote. I'm just typing it up as I read it and 90% of the time I'm in a public place as I'm typing.

Tuesday, as I typed up the famous "sheted" line, I was sitting in a Barnes & Noble failing to control my laughter. Today, I typed in a Starbucks and, once more, totally failed to hide my grimacing and exclamations of surprise at the gory details of provinical life in the 1920's Philippines!

The bonus for you guys is that I'm as eager to read this stuff as you are, so I'm getting it out at a pretty quick rate since I want to see what happens too! I've glanced at some of the future chapters and he has stories about his time in high school, talks about his mother's death quite extensively, and even gets into the Miss Red Feather contest in 1970! I'm looking forward to getting to those parts.

However, I also have Lola's memoir that I want to transcribe in parallel with Lolo's story. I did read that years ago and it'll be interesting to go through it again. It isn't as "encyclopedic" as Lolo's memoir, it feels more like a novel. I've got the bug, so I'm going to start it tonight and post it once I'm at a natural stopping point.

As an aside, I have no editor for this thing. If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors, please let me know so that I can correct them. Also my grasp of Ilocano and Tagalog is shaky at best. My father has helpfully pointed out that I've misspelled some things. Please let me know so that I can correct them. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

LMAO! I read this at work and forget it since there is NO humor in this building it is usually people looking at me going WHY DOES SHE LAUGH SOOOO MUCH! I love it keep it coming! it's a great way to start my day!

Anonymous said...

You're doing an awesome job! It's like all unravelling for us all and all of us can't wait for the next installments!!

BOBBY said...

Hey Chris, you are doing a great job...keep it up. Will send RJ this SCA ( Sibayan Clan Archive )