TAYUM was our first stop on our motorcade to the northern towns. Mayor Carino also delivered a DANIW for Jojo in the Provincial building during her reception in Bangued, had all the school children and town's people turned out to meet us. We were invited by the Catholic priest to see his new organ and have a sister play it for us. He also showed us a baptismal font made of hard wood around four feet in diameter and several hundred years old. At the balcony of the Catholic School Jojo received the people's acclaim and applause.
LAGANGILANG - had a banquet prepared by the school teachers in the Agricultural School Building. There was lechon, fried chicken, big fishes, all kinds of vegetables and fruits and cakes on the long table. The celebration stared as we boarded with our carsthe bamboo ferry across the Abra River. There I met some relatives and friends, the Lopez family, Nona Idang, Manag Oscor, wife of the Town Treasurer, Manong Pepeng Lopez.
DOLORES - was our next stop. They had floats and brass band ready that brought us to the town plaza. Jojo was asked to sing but she honored their request with a dance on the stage. congressman Barbero's home town showed a lot of progress. The bridge across the Abra River was not yet completed. He said that with the asphalted roads, one can now walk on high heels from Bangued to Dolores. My relatives there are Manang Ancion. Torqueza and his wife, Manang Yayang, my cousin.
SAN JUAN - was our next stop with my former Grade VII teacher, Mayor Balaaro, leading the people, students and everybody at the Plaza to welcome us with speeches and a short program. It was my first time to see San Juan although I sued to hear about it before during the Provincial Fair or town fiesta in Bangued.
PENAROBIA - was our first stop the following day. All the school children and townspeople lined the street to greet us. During their brief program I was asked to deliver a speech. I said that in this town were born many beautiful women whose names were Josefina, like Jojo. They were Josefina Tandingan, our cousin, wife of Col. Pedro Bersola. Josefina Abaoag, my former classmate in the Abra High School and Josefina Padaoil, who passed by our house every time she walked to and from the Catholic School.
BUCAY - was our next stop for the day. There, Mayor Torres, brother of Susana, my former classmate, led the town's welcome. They had a very well prepared program prepared following our town around the town. We were shown the Relics of the old Spanish Gate indicating that Bucay was formerly the Capital of Abra when it was a sub-province of Ilocos Sur. I did not know this before. That is why I thought of writing this story because by now or later, those reading it will find it entertaining and interesting and informative. I also did not know that the Abra River passed close to the town and was the means of transportation to Ilocos Sur then. There I met Peping Navarro, my relative. He gave us lots of sweet "santol".
SAN JOSE - was headed by my close friend Mayor Celedonio Javier. He was Physical Education Director in the PMA when I was a law instructor there in 1957 to 1965. He was our idol in the early thirties when he became the National Champion in "Sanggol". He met us with gong-beating, dancing, and almost naked natives or Igorots at the Abra River crossing. They prepared a very sumptuous banquet in the school house. He showed us his project of building a market place with Abra River stores. The big refrigerators he got from Clark Air Base through my help were used by him as storage for brooms and office files. He was a Mayor without pay because he donated his salary for the improvement of the town. He is a retired Major, AFP, like me.
PILAR and VILLAVICIOSA were our last scheduled visits as per agenda prepared by Fina Valera Aquino who escorted us around the Province. It was here where Don Juan Valera, Fina's father has a large land holding planted mostly with tabacco before the war. Hence, they had a tobacco factory called La Flor de Pita. It was here where we met the mother of Jojo's "yaya", Nena. Manang Ibang was hearing Jojo's name in her radio set and she said she wished to see her. Her wish came true. I've never been here before.
Everywhere we went food was always served. The typical Filipino hospitality was noticeable with lavish display of love, affection, praise and appreciation. Pat and I have been pinching ourselves to be sure that we were not dreaming. We were used by God to unite political enemies, unite all people of Abra. congressman Barbero said: WE ARE A POOR FOURTH CLASS PROVINCE BUT UNITED, WE HAVE BEATEN RICHER CITIES AND PROVINCES!
Jojo was invited by the Abra Valley College. Manong Pitong Borgonia, President, extolled the beauty of Jojo as the awakened Sleeping Beauty pointing at the mountains west of Bangued which have the contour of a sleeping maiden. I didn't realize that before. When I was asked to speak I said: Abra is blessed by God with Talent, Strength, and Beauty. Talent with President Borgonia as the youngest Principal Teacher during his time, strength with Major Javier as the Sanggol Champion in the early thirties, and beauty with Jojo as Miss Red Feather Philippines! They had a short program for us demonstrating a block busting with a sledge hammer on top of the stomach of a strog man. He also had picture taking by a professional photographer.
My alma mater, CSC (Colegio del Sagrado Corazon) now called College of the Sacred Heart Academy also invited us to a program where I was again asked to speak. I said, "I am reminded of the time I studied here and depicted the Life of Father Alonso in our graduation program. Now I am back as the father of our Miss Red Feather. You may also be interested to know that I am also the father of a PMA graduate who is now a ranking officer in the Philippine Navy. I also have a son who is a seminarian in Christ the King Seminary. I thank God for having blessed me and my wife with beautiful, wonderful and good children, seven in all!
The Seminary in Pidigan also became our host. There the seminarians gave us a short program. Later on our son, Ernesto, was assigned to this seminary.
The Jaycees of Bangued was also our host. Jojo delivered her speech which was later on broadcast on the radio. Doctor Paragganan who heard it came to see Jojo personally saying he admired her speech. I was asked how I came to have a beautiful daughter. I said, "When a husband and wife love each other so that the two become as ONE, then God will bless that marriage with beautiful children." Pat was also asked how she became the mother of a beautiful daughter like Jojo. She said, "All that I know is that God gave us our children who are all beautiful and I thank Him for these fruits of a lovely marriage."
We both witnessed for the glory of God! Praise the Lord!
The Jaycees of Vigan also became our last host after our tours in Abra. They met us with fireworks and a brass band at the Quirino Bridge then a motorcade around the town to various scenic and historical spots in Vigan. We saw the pottery factory in Bo Burmay, the Quirino home, the Crisologo Antiques, etc. Then we had a banquet after which we heard speeches by Chavit Singson, President, and others extolling the beauty of Jojo. In my speech I surprised them by revealing that my roots are in Barrio Kapangpangan, Vigan, where my father was born. And so Jojo is also a representative of Ilocos Sur in the beauty contest. Her victory is equally shared by the Vigan Jaycees just as it is shared by the Bangued Jaycees. They all agreed!